Idle thoughts of a fellow developer

by smaspe



JSON to ListView

Where the author goes on a journey to bring the JSON data into the grand ListView

Login Activity workflow

My take on what a login flow could be on Android


More bipartite graphs

CodeFights company bots like puzzles

Cat versus Dogs!

Spotify likes puzzles


Publishing for Java (and Android)

Because an example is better than a long description

Functional Iterables

Higher-order functions library for Java 7

JSON to ListView

Where the author goes on a journey to bring the JSON data into the grand ListView

First steps with LibGDX

Designing a board game using LibGDX

Storage is simple – Part 1, SQL

A quick take on how to design a very small storage library

An extension to Volley

Extending Volley for fun and profit

Login Activity workflow

My take on what a login flow could be on Android

Download a File

Quick one-liner to fetch a file in Java/Android

A Volley introduction - Part 2

More advanced use of Volley

String.format and Arabic numbers

Avoid a simple localization mistake by explicitly using a Locale

A Volley introduction - Part 1

Simple tasks using the Volley library

Map to ContentValues (Abusing Parcelable)

Easily insert generic data in SQLite


JSON to ListView

Where the author goes on a journey to bring the JSON data into the grand ListView

First steps with LibGDX

Designing a board game using LibGDX

Storage is simple – Part 1, SQL

A quick take on how to design a very small storage library

An extension to Volley

Extending Volley for fun and profit

Login Activity workflow

My take on what a login flow could be on Android

A Volley introduction - Part 2

More advanced use of Volley

A Volley introduction - Part 1

Simple tasks using the Volley library

functional programming

Functional Iterables

Higher-order functions library for Java 7

Quick note on Functional Programming

Functional Programming is nice.


First steps with LibGDX

Designing a board game using LibGDX


Publishing for Java (and Android)

Because an example is better than a long description

Functional Iterables

Higher-order functions library for Java 7

The Top 5 things I dislike about Java

5 issues I think could be addressed in Java.

Quick note on Functional Programming

Functional Programming is nice.


The Top 5 things I dislike about Java

5 issues I think could be addressed in Java.


Understand centering

A useful link to understand centering and the role that font design plays in it


Download a File

Quick one-liner to fetch a file in Java/Android


Publishing for Java (and Android)

Because an example is better than a long description

Publish an open-source library

Because everyone should be writing open-source libraries if they have the opportunity


The Top 5 things I dislike about Java

5 issues I think could be addressed in Java.


Storage is simple – Part 1, SQL

A quick take on how to design a very small storage library


String.format and Arabic numbers

Avoid a simple localization mistake by explicitly using a Locale


TypeScript is lying to you (part III)

What is even "this"?

TypeScript is lying to you (part II)

More adventures in finding inconsistencies in types

TypeScript is lying to you (part I)

When a supposedly typed language is not so typed after all